
The Guardian: Andrea Levy, chronicler of the Windrush generation, dies aged 62

June 26, 2019

It is with deep sorrow that we transmit the news of British author Andrea Levy’s early death. She was a writer of immense talent and charming sympathy. We reproduce the article and the links published by The Guardian on the date of her passing. Her poignant novels Small Island and The Long Song were translated into Spanish by the Spanish publishing houses Anagrama and El Aleph, respectively.
The author’s maternal grandfather, who was born in Jamaica, worked on the construction of the Panama Canal in the early 20th century, a reason for which Andrea Levy always wanted to visit the Isthmus. Verdecielo Ediciones extended her an invitation from its first home in Barcelona, hoping to make the trip a reality, but sadly, illness overpowered time and this mutual wish.

Mari Evans, managing director of Levy’s publisher Headline, said that her novels “have perhaps never been more relevant or important in their questioning of identity and belonging … May we continue to learn the lessons so elegantly laid out by one of the greatest novelists of her generation.”  –  Richard Lea, The Guardian

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