Terms of use

Responsibilities and guarantees

The user can buy digital books directly from Verdecielo Ediciones’ website. They will work on any devices, but they cannot be uploaded to websites or file-sharing networks. It is prohibited to make the digital books available for distribution, sharing, copying, downloading or reselling.

Royalties from every sale will be paid to the authors. Thank you for buying your own book and for not reading another user’s copy.

Once you buy a digital book, you can download it and the file will remain on your Library page for subsequent downloads.

The user acknowledges taking responsibility and will leave Verdecielo Ediciones undamaged by any communication that they provide personally or in their name, reaching said responsibility without any restriction the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership thereof.

Verdecielo Ediciones cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness or veracity of the services or the information provided through the website. Consequently, it does not guarantee nor is responsible for: the continuity of the contents of the web page, the absence of errors in said content or products, the absence of viruses and/or harmful components on the web page or on the server that it provides, the invulnerability of the web page and/or the impregnable security measures adopted therein, the lack of usefulness or performance and products of the web page, the damages or losses caused, to itself or to a third party, any person who violated the conditions, rules, and instructions that Verdecielo Ediciones establishes on the website or through the violation of its security systems.

However, Verdecielo Ediciones declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the operation of the website and prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.

If the user is aware of any illegal content, contrary to the laws or that could involve the infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights, they must immediately notify the publisher so that it can proceed to take appropriate measures.

Consumer goods warranty

In case of a defective product, the seller must proceed to the replacement or termination of the contract, procedures that will be free for the consumer and user. The seller responds to the breaches of conformity that are manifested within six (6) months of delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two (2) months of being aware of it; in this case, they may contact the seller at the address: sales@verdecielo.com.pa. Previously, since Verdecielo Ediciones is informed about the defective product, it will go through a quality control in which it will be determined whether the defect corresponds to the item’s usage or to a manufacturing defect.


These General Conditions are governed by the law of the Republic of Panama. The parties submit, at their option, for the resolution of conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile. Likewise, as an entity attached to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA and in the terms of its DATA PROTECTION LAW, in case of controversies, the user may go to the competent courts within the Republic of Panama.